History of the company
 “Gefest” is the only company producing wire brushes of wide range behind the Urals for 10 years. Wire brushes are multiblade tools with a lot of cutting elements, made of high-carbon, cold working wire twisted in corrugated bundles. Wires are used with electrotools and on special machines for finishing operations on ferrous and non-ferrous metal, rubber, leather and other materials, for removing scale, rust and paint.
Lack of reclamation speaks for its good quality. It is achieved due to strict performing of technological process and highly qualified staff. Quality control of the brushes is very high. Every tenth brush is stand tested, every hunbredth brush is tensile tested. In case of need roentgenoscopy is applied to the brushes.
The output of brushes is going up with every passing year. The company produces not only steel wire brushes but on demand it takes special orders. These are brushes made of copper, brass, non-corrosive wire and nylon fiber. “Gefest” staff has been constantly working to improve its goods. Modern organization of production and highly-qualified staff are guarantee of performing any order in time and with a high quality.